Monday, October 3, 2011

butter makes everything better

I made a half batch of The Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls yesterday.
Warning: Extremely butterific and sugar stuffed.

Fridged the dough overnight and it was pretty easy to both roll out and roll up.

That's sugar and the start of the cinnamon on top of a layer of butter- softened instead of melted, so I didn't end up with melted butter all over the floor, just flour all over the floor. Totally worth it.

Loosey goosey ends

Type A rolls

Almost a pound of powdered sugar:

The maple/coffee frosting is obviously SUPER DUPER FREAKING sweet,  next time I'd consider serving with milk instead of cider. Or maybe vanilla ice cream.

I believe that I am successfully doing my part to help my pregnant friend's goal of gaining 35 lb- I hope the rest of you are doing some cardio so you don't die from my treats.